About Me


This is the About page. Here, you can learn more about me and my hot fiancée, Sydney.


Picture with Sydney

My Hobbies

I enjoy a variety of hobbies, from outdoor adventures like hiking and running to indoor activities like reading and coding. On weekends, I love exploring new trails, cooking unique recipes, and spending quality time with family and friends.

Traveling is another big passion of mine. I've visited several countries and can't wait to see more of the world!



I am currently studying Computer Science at Brigham Young University (BYU). My coursework has included advanced programming, algorithms, data structures, and web development, preparing me for a career in software engineering and data science.


In addition to my studies, I've had several internships and project experiences. Recently, I worked on developing an AI-powered web application, collaborating with a team to improve features, enhance database performance, and deploy a user-friendly interface.

These experiences have helped me strengthen my programming skills, work collaboratively in teams, and gain exposure to real-world applications of technology.

Future Goals

Looking ahead, I'm excited to continue advancing my skills and working on innovative projects. I aim to contribute to impactful tech solutions that help improve people’s lives and address global challenges.